Episodes from 2 seasons of the comedy series by Viva La Dirt League (VLDL), about trying to last in ‘survival’ video games.
A collection of comedy sketches by VLDL. about NPCs (non-playable characters) in video games.
A collection of comedy sketches by VLDL, making fun of the video game ‘Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds’.
The comedy series by VLDL, about the struggles of living with ‘ADHD’ (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).
A collection of random sketches by VLDL, including ‘Bad Therapist’, ‘Office Logic’, and ‘Social Media Logic’.
A comedy series made for WatchMe, about Hemi Perata trying to catch the mythical black panther.
A WatchMe comedy series; about Daz & Ast from Flava, trying to find the infamous rapper, Buck Nasty.
A 3-part Sopranos-inspired comedy series, originally made for GorillaTV.
Episodes from Season 2 of the comedy series by VLDL, parodying the hit video game ‘Read Dead Redemption 2’.
Episodes from the comedy series by VLDL, about the ups and downs of working in a tech store (or retail in general).
Episodes from Season 2 of the comedy series by VLDL, about the rules of the tabletop game ‘Dungeons and Dragons’.
Episodes from the comedy series by VLDL, about the creators of ‘Skycraft’ (the video game of ‘Epic NPC Man’).
A collection of comedy skits by VLDL, about the awkward situations that arise when dining in restaurants.
An honest interview series for I Love Ugly, about musicians striving to be the best at what they do.
Two seasons of the WatchMe comedy series; about Ellie the intern, trying to survive at the hit NZ radio station, ‘ZM’.
Two episodes for the WatchMe horror series; about Harrow Manor, once a part of an old psychiatric hospital known as Blackwood Asylum.